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 The first conditional is used to state scenarios in the future whose realization is highly probable. Therefore, it is the indicated conditional to express plans.

Grammatical structure of the first conditional

Option 1: If + Condition (sentence with conjugated verb in present simple) + will + Result (sentence with infinitive verb).

Option 2: Result (sentence with verb in infinitive) + will + if + Condition (sentence with conjugated verb in present simple).


*If everyone agrees, we will go to Spaim next year

-We may rent it if we like the apartament



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When to use "GOING TO" The future tense with "going to" is most commonly used in spoken language when you want to refer to the immediate future, that is, to something that is about to happen.     Ex: * She is going to pay with a credit card * I´m going to drop off my prescription over there. It is also used to talk about intentions or plans to do something: Ex: *I´m going to learn English     FORM It is formed with the verb "to be" conjugated for the corresponding person, followed by "going to" and the base verb. TO BE + GOING TO + VERB When to use "WILL" The future tense with "will" is used to talk about decisions that are made while speaking. Ex: * I need to get my medicine, I will go to the pharmacy tonight * I need some cash. I will pay with my debit card and ask for cash back It is also used to say predictions of a general nature. Ex: * I´m sure it will rain tomorrow *Camilo Perez will win the election. FORM   WILL + VER